Bikes, Blues, Bar-B-Que, and JESUS FREAKS!!!
Last night, Shauna, Lidia, JT, Justin and I went out to check out the leather and bikes at the 6th annual Bikes, Blues, and BBQ festival. It was just like the years past...lots of bikes...lots of leather...lots of bbq...lots of carny's....lots of musis...and lots of beer. But, this year, I noticed a new trend, the Jesus Freaks.
Now, you may be saying, "but Shelli...aren't YOU a Jesus Freak?". And to you I would say "heck yes I am!" But this particular "Jesus Freak Breed" that I'm referring to at B,B&BBQ were the kind that stand on chairs preaching, hold up "you're going to hell" signs, and give out free t-shirts that say "body piercing changed my life" (referring to Christ on the cross). Although, the people handing out the shirts, were just there to have fun, be a good "not in your face" witness to non-believers, and had a nice booth with witness tracts and brochures on Christianity. So, in my opinion...they can stay.
...its the other ones that I'm a little sick about.
A disclaimer before my soap box: I'm no one to judge. I'm trying not to, but I AM VERY CONFUSED on where they get off pointing fingers at people...
Ok...on to the rant...
The signs that make me angry. "Those who marry the divorced are committing adultery"..."The end of the party is hell"..."Your fate will be at judgement day"...
To the first sign: So, if you married a divorced person, are you supposed to get a divorce? If so...I'm up a creek!
To the second sign: The end of the party IS usually hell. Hang overs suck! Ha ha. pass judgement and assume that all these people around you are going straight to hell?...thats a bit like crazy talk if you ask me.
To the third sign:'re right, and you'll be judged to. I hope you're ready!
I guess the main thing that makes me mad is that these individuals are giving Christianity such a bad name. Ofcourse, we've been the freaks all along throughout history. But, I guess, I'm just looking at it as the good ol' "WWJD". I really do not think that Christ would be standing on a chair quoting scripture at the top of his lungs or holding up a sign thats casting judgement on people.
I think that the Christ I love would be driving a bus for free to offer rides home to the drunk people...or maybe giving out free coffee for the hangovers...or maybe even getting right in the mosh pit and dancing along with them to show them that he loves them and is there for them.