Tuesday, July 31, 2007

And...I'm back!

Here is a list of my favorite / funniest China moments:

1. Elipticle / Gazelle workout machines on every playground.

2. Sleeve protectors

3. Chinglish: Chinese characters translated very poorly into English. Example: For a Spanish or Latin Bakery = “Mail Jazz Westem (yes, westem. Not western) Caking Food Workroom”

4. Hailing a cab by waving your hand down and away from you.

5. The way they pronounce Coca Cola = Kuh Koh Kuh Luh

6. Hearing the word “HALLOW” yelled at me from little cute Chinese kids.

7. Egg Rolls haven’t made it to China yet…apparently.

8. Malinda referring to a Ricshaw as a “Rick Rack”. I love you Malinda!!!

9. Pointing with your lips or chin.

10. Monks on motorcycles.

Pictures and more stuff later!

Thursday, July 12, 2007

"'Cause I'm leavin' on a jet plane..."

"...I don't know when I'll be back again". (To the blogger world that is, I'll be back home on July 28th. But, not sure when I'll post.)

Yep, EARLY tomorrow morning...we're off to a land far far away, desperately in need of the love of Christ! I'm so excited!

I get to share in this journey with some extrememly awesome people (Erin J., Whitney V., Malinda M., Matt F., Preston M., Jesse L., Thomas C., and ofcourse, my Hubby Justin...just to name a few.)

Please keep us in your constant thoughts and prayers. We'll be leaning on those!

Later Tators! Talk to you in a couple of weeks....