DISCLAIMER: Before reading my blog today, please know that I don't claim to be an expert on biblical theology. I also represent no one else except myself when it comes to my statements and beliefs. They are MY thoughts.
Ok, "Friends of God: A Road Trip with Alexandria Pelosi" is a new documentary that just came out on HBO. Pelosi is the daughter of new Speaker of House, Nancy Pelosi.
THIS FILM MADE ME SICK AT MY STOMACH!!!!!!!!...for numerous reasons.
It is so sad, but sometimes my Evangelical Christian brothers and sisters say, what I think to be, the “wrong thing” or come across like idiots when filmed. Pelosi captured EXACTLY that image. On many different instances, throughout the film, I wanted to scream at the top of my lungs “YOU’RE MAKING US LOOK LIKE NON-EDUCATED FOOLS”. This statement was, unfortunately, not JUST pointed towards Pelosi, but in reaction to many of the individuals speaking.
I can’t stand the fact that she chose to primarily film (I did say primarily) and interview children when combating the topic of Creation vs. Evolution. Yes, what a fabulous idea…lets ask CHILDREN what they think about this. Children who have yet to establish their own ideas or been given the chance to reason and think logically. UGH! Look, I believe that scripture = truth. But, isn’t it also obvious that there are some MAJOR holes left out for our analytical thought and reason to draw conclusions? I believe that complete understanding MAY come in the afterlife. Ok, I’M GONNA SAY IT: Could it be possible for the belief of Creation AND Evolution to co-exist? SHOCK AND DISMAY!!!!!!!!!!!! I think so…
To quote a bumper sticker “THE BIG BANG THEORY: God spoke and BANG it happened”.
I was also really upset me because in the ENTIRE film, I don’t recall anyone speaking on behalf of global missions or that Christ was a man that served with humility to the poor, needy and un-loved.
The whole thing just rubbed me the wrong way. Christ was made to look like a fool…his believers were made to look like foolish, un-educated, narrow minded, right-winged republicans who couldn’t be swayed in any way shape or form. (And I'm a registered republican...so please don't freak out on me)
Are the Evangelical Christians reflecting Christ?...or their upbringing and Preachers?
What is REAL Christianity? What is REAL faith? If the greatest commandment is Love…then why aren’t ALL Christians giving and showing it?
I’m in a class right now, its called PERSPECTIVES…and man oh man!!!…it is taking my current perspective on life and what I thought was “Christianity” and FLIPPING IT UP SIDE DOWN.
Side note: I have a confession to make. A couple of weeks ago (before Perpectives slapped me in the face), I called a friend out on something he said that could have been considered "gross" or inappropriate. WHY DID I DO THAT? I think, down deep inside, I needed to point my finger at someone else’s mouth to make mine look better and more righteous. See...my tongue gets me in MORE trouble than anything else. It’s my stumbling block. Anyway, as soon as I did it…I felt nauseous and vile. Its like a voice from heaven floated down onto my ears to say “YOU’RE SWINGING THAT PLANK AROUND PRETTY QUICK SHELLI!!!!!!!!!”. Ugh…I really hate myself sometimes.
Back to the film…
Ok, I think that it would be a good idea for bible studies across the world to watch this thing. Why? I think that we all need a MAJOR slap in the face. We, the Evangelical Christians, are starting to look like the enemy and the idiots of this world. We are being persecuted and shamed more than ever…it seems. "Tolerance" seems to be the "it" word and idea right now. Hmmm...then why do WE seem to be the outsiders?
…well, anyway...Pelosi is now making appearances on the talk show circuit and has write ups in the NY Times. She’ll probably win an Oscar for best documentary.
I’M SO READY FOR HEAVEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!