Our monetary goal for our mission trip is to raise $6,400.00 and we’re at $620.00. Mr. Pac Man is chomping away at the dollars! See him go?
For more info on our trip, go to www.jones2ethne.blogspot.com
I'm married to my highschool sweet heart, we are called to the ministry, we have a heart for the nations (aka: we're gonna be missionaries), I've been a banker for 6 years (seriously? Why am I still a banker?), I have a degree in vocal music performance (yet, I'm a banker?), my check book is balanced to the penny...but I can't organize my bedroom.
For more info on our trip, go to www.jones2ethne.blogspot.com
you freaking rock my face off!! i can't wait to hang out with the super cool Joneses (plural, uhh, i'm not sure) in southeast asia. remember how i told you i was going to run on wednesday? yeah, well i ran for about a 1/4 mile, felt too tired and walked instead. you're already kicking my butt, and by the time July gets here, it's just going to be sad.
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