Spring time = Shelli's depressed about her size time
What a beautiful time of year this is...trees are blooming, flowers are poking out of the ground and saying HELLO and little birdies are chirping and singing Gods praises all the time. THIS truly is a miraculous time of year.
Unfortunately, this is the time of year that Satan ATTACKS me more than ever. Everyone is starting to wear shorts, little flirty skirts and sleeveless tops. Which is all fine and dandy for the average woman...but, not me.
See...I LOVE my winter wardrobe. I love the turtle necks, I love the coats, jeans, long sleeve fluffy sweaters...and scarfs! Can't forget about the scarfs!!!
I think that I tend to use the winter wardrobe to hide away or as a crutch for my low self esteem / body image. I think that the more layers I wear, the more people are blind to the buldge beneath.
Summer is, for many large women, a horrible pain staking tormentuous time of year. Going to the lake / ocean and laying out is an anxiety attack waiting to happen. When other girls are going to J Crew to find their swimsuit for this season, we're avoiding or hiding out in Dillards or Lane Bryant trying to find one that doesn't look TOO "grandma" or too much like those Hippo's in TuTu's from Disneys Fantasia.
Who the "bleep" ever thought "if we just put a ruffle around the bottom of this swimsuit it will hide or mask EVERYTHING". Yah Right! GAG!!!

I really appreciate stores like "Lane Bryant" for at least TRYING to make the plus size swimsuit fashionable. The picture above is from JcPenny. YUCK! They fail in comparison.
Hip Hip Hooray for Spring time and Summer. NOT!
Swimsuits are rough, no question about it. I have made it through the last few years without having to wear one, but with Jackson getting a little older, I know it's only a matter of time before I have to take him to the pool:(. Hang in there, pretty lady!
Girl, I hear ya! I'm lucky that where I live stays pretty mild and so I can do a sleeveless top with a cardigan. Love the layers!
But when I drive over the mountains...yuck! HOT WEATHER! Or if I go back to KY...oy! the Humidity!! TOO MUCH!!!
I don't really know if this is comforting or not, but 90% of the time I don't feel attractive standing next to other women, no matter what season it is. It's not really encouraging for me to say, "Yeah, you're not alone." But I will say this: I think you're beautiful, inside and out. It's your heart that matters, and yours is beautiful. You also have a husband that loves you and thinks you're totally HOTT! Oh, and you have a sassy little haircut that makes you look super sexy--so rock that 'do girl and forget about the skinny skeezers!!
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