Little Green Apple...
So, as many of you have read, I'm working out like a mad woman these days. Everyone has been so encouraging! Thank you.
...and you may also recall that I titled this little journey of mine the "4/13 Challenge 2007".
...and you may also recall that Justin and I are going on a mission trip soon. So, we are pinching pennies right and left. I desperatly need a hair cut and new hair dryer (both which will hopefully be fulfilled this weekend after our garage sale).
Well, a couple of weekends ago, Justin worked his tushy off to help out a friend run sound, lights and all that stuff at a big concert that came into town. Well, when he got paid, he used the money towards some temporary needs and told me that he "gave about 80 of it to Stu for helping him out at Church".
Justin always told me that the only time he would ever lie to me is if he had a big surprise for me up his sleeve.
Justin used the money, that he supposedly "gave to Stu", to buy me a little green Ipod Shuffle to use while I work out. And he had "4/13 to strengthen me" engraved on the back!!!!!!!!! And green is my favorite color (and the color of my eyes). make matters even WAS IN ON THE CON! Sly doggies!
Boy, I never realized just how much some music can really help you out and keep you motivated when working out. BUT IT SO SO SO DOES!!!! Its really helped me stay focused and meet little goals. (And by the way "Chaos" by MuteMath is perfect for 3.9 on the tred mill) she little green apple:

Isn't she cute???????????????????????????????????
...and you may also recall that I titled this little journey of mine the "4/13 Challenge 2007".
...and you may also recall that Justin and I are going on a mission trip soon. So, we are pinching pennies right and left. I desperatly need a hair cut and new hair dryer (both which will hopefully be fulfilled this weekend after our garage sale).
Well, a couple of weekends ago, Justin worked his tushy off to help out a friend run sound, lights and all that stuff at a big concert that came into town. Well, when he got paid, he used the money towards some temporary needs and told me that he "gave about 80 of it to Stu for helping him out at Church".
Justin always told me that the only time he would ever lie to me is if he had a big surprise for me up his sleeve.
Justin used the money, that he supposedly "gave to Stu", to buy me a little green Ipod Shuffle to use while I work out. And he had "4/13 to strengthen me" engraved on the back!!!!!!!!! And green is my favorite color (and the color of my eyes). make matters even WAS IN ON THE CON! Sly doggies!
Boy, I never realized just how much some music can really help you out and keep you motivated when working out. BUT IT SO SO SO DOES!!!! Its really helped me stay focused and meet little goals. (And by the way "Chaos" by MuteMath is perfect for 3.9 on the tred mill) she little green apple:

Isn't she cute???????????????????????????????????
ah HAAAA! That's so awesome! That little sneaker! :)
Very awesome con! Congrats on new toy!
I don't know what I would do without "It's Raining Men" to keep my pace while I run.
very cute! good job justin!
Justin gets the "Super Encourager 2007" award and the "Awesome Husband that looks like a famous movie star" award! Yea for music to run to! BTW, have you realized that next week you'll be halfway through with your 4/13 Challenge??
So sweet!
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