Saturday, March 25, 2006



So...last month...Justin and I had a bit of a "scare". I was a whole week late on my period. (Or, I could have just been "on time" according to the doctors.) See, I have a 21 day cycle...but last month I got my period on the 29th it TOTALLY freaked us out.


I started my period last night and it had only been 18 freakin' days!!!!!!!!! What the SHNIZDONG IS GOING ON?????????????? I have NEVER EVER been early.

I was super dizzy yesterday and my boobs were KILLING me...and then...all the sudden last night..."HELLO...I'M HERE A BIT EARLY...I HOPE THATS OK!" Its like the annoying person who never knocks, and just walks right on in your house.

I have a theory or two:

1. I could have "technically" been pregnant and had a little miscarriage last month. (Lets pray that wasn't the case. The idea of that makes me really really really sad.)

2. Since I was a week late last month...and now I'm a week body is just trying to get back on "its" natural 21 day cycle.

3. This herbal body detoxification/cleanse that I'm currently doing has sent my body into "freak out mode".

4. Or...(and this is the one that I dread the most) body is just so fatigued, stressed out, and morbidly obese (yep...thats what the doctor says) that its just TRYING to maintain a normal balance, but is having a hard time doing so because of said things. YUCK!


Blogger Leaning Shanty Farm said...

Alright...been there! And it is scary! (esp. if you're not ready to have a baby...but the thought of losing SAD!)

Okay, I'm going to say that this is a combo of #2, #3, & #4. Women's bodies can decide to freak out at a moment's notice. Once I didn't have a period for a couple of months. (This was back in college, so I KNEW I couldn't be pregnant.) But it just seemed that my whole body cycle was 'off' onto birth control. Since then, things have been perfectly normal.

Plus, when you add something completely NEW and DIFFERENT (detox stuff for example) to your system it WILL throw it off.

And finally, your own health will GREATLY modify your cycles. Sad, but true. I think that's what happened to me in college: STRESS STRESS STRESS and LOTS of unhealthy eating and NO exercise.

So ... no need to worry too much. This is fixable. Sounds like you are trying to make yourself more healthy already, just throw in some exercise, and you need to stop stressing out!! (so much easier to say than do!!!)

Good Luck. But I'm sure everything will be fine!

11:44 AM  
Blogger Karen said...

if you were a full week late on your period last month, it was probably a chemical pregnancy, and your body is probably trying to get back on track.

9:20 AM  
Blogger Ellen said...

Sounds like the 29er might have been a chemical pregnancy.

How heavy have these periods been? Are your boobs still hurting?

8:14 AM  
Blogger Shelli said...

Ok Hoffman sisters! What the HECK is a chemical pregancy anyway.

And the period on the 29th was like normal...but this one (the 18 day-er) is MASSIVE and with lots of cramps. I never cramp either.

9:16 AM  

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