Tuesday, December 06, 2005

I'm scared of the chiropractor...

I think that I'm going to have to suck it up though. My upper back, neck and shoulders have been KILLING ME lately, and I've had a headache for about a week straight now. This stinks! I think I need to go get cracked a little bit. ( or maybe just smoke some crack?...that might work too. HA! )

Anyway, I've never been, and I'm a little scared.


Blogger Hillary said...

AK! I'm SO totally with you on this! I have to go, too, (stupod car accident! Rar!) and don't know quite where to start! I don't want to go to a cracker (hee hee... in both senses of the word!) and I don't think those guys who hover their fingers over your back and 'make your bones move' actually do anything. I think I want someone in between, but don't know how to find one.

"Excuse me, but does what you do actaully work, or are you jsut full of crap?" is not actually a question that I an ask when looking for a chiropractor! :O

Good luck! :)

8:36 AM  
Blogger anne said...

i had to go for a few months back a couple years ago when my back was reaally messed up. headaches and all too. I loved going. it wasn't necessarily always an "instant relief" kind of thing. sometimes it really was, (POP--whew, that felt amazing) but sometimes it took repetition for my back to get back to the correct shape.
i found a really great doctor to crack me up...but it is well-worth researching and asking a LOT of questions!
i keep saying i should start going again as my neck hurts and then causes headaches. especially when i am really busy and stressed. like around the holidays...
also, a good massage can be more valuable and more effective sometimes. and always more fun and relaxing. that's worth checking out too! :)

10:00 AM  
Blogger Superchikk said...

I was in a car accident in HS and had to go. We found a guy that attended our church and we knew wasn't a psycho. He was awesome and really took good care of me. I haven't been since then, although I would like to go on a regular basis. There's just something about your spine being aligned that makes you feel better all around. I know, it's weird.

3:19 PM  
Blogger Karen said...

The most important thing is to build up your core stabilizing muscles (abs, anything that's moved in Pilates) so that it corrects the misalignment rather than just pop, crack, then your right back where you were a week later.

3:54 PM  
Blogger Jaime said...

i have my reservations about chiropractors, shelli. maybe jason will catch you up to speed at rehearsal tonight.

6:12 PM  
Blogger Shelli said...

...still debating. Hmmm.

11:51 AM  
Blogger SlushTurtle said...

Hey Shelli- Kent Moore in Rogers is also really good. He is a Christian and my husband and I have been using him for about 5 years.

My husband is a pharmacist and was VERY skeptical about chiros. His back hurt him constantly for about 2 years before he finally got bad enough that he tried it. He is totally fixed now, and frequently sends people he sees in the pharmacy to try it out before they get hooked on pain killers for life.

Hope you feel better soon!

12:13 PM  

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