Tuesday, November 29, 2005

The Greatest Christmas Story Ever Told...

Before reading the greatest Christmas story ever told, please take note: I've got a puppy, as we all know, that is hyper. (Well, right now she's in a cast and can't run too fast) I've also got a fever ( or "feevah" if you're Christopher Walkin) to put up a Christmas tree. These two things do not get along very well. "Why"...you say? Well, let me tell you a story...wanna hear it?...here it go:

Once upon a time in a suburban home far far away ( in Tulsa ) lived a cute little family with a cute little (not really little) golden retriever named Cody. Cody was the current pride and joy of the family...especially the papa! See, papa had been training Cody for a long time now to be THE BEST RETRIEVER in all the land. Cody ( in his 5 or 6 month old state) was starting to show true potential in living up to these expectations. He was smart, he was fast, he retrieved when comanded, he fetched the paper, he could even let his human sister Shelli in the house when she had been locked out. (ok...this is NOT a lie...I'm telling the truth here.) Needless to say, he was a grand beast.

Well, the time of the year had come for putting up the Christmas tree. The family slaved away all day on the tree, making sure that it was pretty and bright in all its glory. Happy with our artistic expression, we all retired for the evening into our beds. And...in the midst of the night we hear strange noises that awakened us from our slumber. BANG, CRASH, BOOM, RUSTLE RUSTLE, THUMP...DRAG DRAG DRAG.

What in the world could this have been???

We hurried, we scurried to our robes and slippers. Papa dashed to his bedroom door to see the fright. And what was this fright on this horrid December night????

It was the Christmas tree all decorated and dragged to the parents bedroom door. Good boy Cody!!! He had retrieved a 7 foot decorated Christmas tree leaving a nice trail of tinsel and broken ornaments.

So...do you see my delima? I have the EXACT same breed of dog. She is around the same age, and SO very hyper. Should I put up a tree or not????

And thanks to
www.thereignofellen.blogspot.com for the inspiration for todays story.


Blogger Hillary said...

When I was little, we got two kittens. Come Christmas time, my dad didn't want the cats to get into the Christmas tree. The day we got the tree (while it was still soft and not all dried out and extra prickly), he picked up the cats, one in each hand, shoved them into the tree and shook them around a little bit. Not brain jarring shaking, just, "Hey, We REALLY don't like this" kind of shaking.

Never ONCE through all the years we had the cats did they mess with the Christmas tree.

Not sure if I'd do that, but it sure worked!

7:48 PM  
Blogger Shelli said...

Thats hillarious!!!

9:51 AM  
Blogger Superchikk said...

Just don't leave said pseudo-hyper puppy unattended with the tree. If he can't get to it, he can't retrieve it.

12:32 PM  
Blogger sarah j. said...

You could get a table top tree.....he he he ;)

4:33 PM  

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