Monday, December 12, 2005

All aboard the Migrain Train!

Since I can remember (even as a small child), I've always had small "nothing to get worked up about" headaches. I would pop a couple of ibuprofrins or tylenols and it would be gone. Well, since about my college years, I've noticed that about once every 6 months or so, I'll get these DOOZY head aches. Nausia, light sensitivity, motion sensitivity...the whole thing. I'll usually just down about 4 advil and go to sleep for a couple of hours and finally after much prayer and eye squinting it goes away. the last probably 4 months, I've had 2 or 3 of these "bad ones" as well as a constant nagging dull one to boot (see previous blog). They're getting worse as I get older. Last night was a REALLY bad one. It started coming on when I was on my way home from church and then...WHAMO!!!! THE MOTHER LOAD!!!! I was in SO SO SO much pain. I finally had to get up, take an "excedrine migrain" (yep...little old tylenol or advil doesn't seem to work as well anymore ) I had to wake my husband up and ask him to pray over me. Praise God! I finally went to sleep and woke up with no headache this morning. I having full blown migrains? Or do I really just need to see a chiropractor? Or is this all in my head? (badump bump! ching!)


Blogger anne said...

There's nothing worse than killer headaches. I think it's definitely worth it to check with your doctor about migraines. I know I need to. Dentist is another bet. When I grind my teeth at night *shudder* I find I have more headaches. There are so many possible causes. Sigh. Good luck and many prayers!

4:45 PM  
Blogger Jaime said...

i've had migraines since my teenage years. light/smell/sound sensitivity. they happen with less frequency now, but i'd suggest talking to a doctor (note I didn't say chiropractor!). i take migraines as God's clue to me that i've eaten an over abundance of chocolate, not had enough water/sleep, or just need rest...and take 2 aleve followed by BC headache powder (a bit later if still going strong) & hop in bed with a pillow over my head.

5:46 PM  
Blogger Brett said...

I'm with Jaime.

I get migraines when I have a combination of lack of sleep, poor eating habits and stress.

1:44 AM  
Blogger shauna said...

i rarely get headaches, sorry, but WHEN i do, i down oodles of water and eat something healthy. drinking tons of water regularly may help prevent some of them. i know we've probably all heard that a million times . . . but i believe in it. and good rest of course. ok. . i'm just repeating everyone else . . .

8:45 AM  
Blogger that girl said...

i agree with the "drink more water" and "doctor" advice.

my best friend had a nagging headache for several weeks (she also suffers from migraines, but this felt different), and her doctor found a horrendous inner-ear infection (after he said it might be a tumor).

go to the doctor, not the chiropractor. i hope you feel better!

1:38 PM  

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