Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Little GRASSHAWPAH!!!!!!

I have a grasshopper that comes to visit me almost every single morning at work. He clings to my window for hours and just…looks at me. I don’t know if he is the same one everyday, but I would like to think so. It’s been going on for about 2 weeks now.

And I SWEAR he just waved at me.

I fantasize that he is having an imaginary conversation in his head about / with me. “Hi Lady, its me again. I hope you’re having a wonderful day. I’m just gonna hang out here for awhile if that’s ok”. And, I would say back to him “Hey Kung Fu (that’s what I’ve named him), good to see you again. Be careful…don’t fall”.

I wonder if insects and other small things have a mind that thinks and logically reasons out things like we humans do? I’m sure the answer can be found in some biology book, but, seeing as how I’m NOT a fan of math or science…I don’t plan on reading to find it out. I bet a certain little girl, (who shall remain nameless, but is the oldest daughter of our music minister. hint hint), would know…she’s a whiz when it comes to bugs. Maybe I’ll ask her. “Excuse me ‘6 year old child’, do you know if the Grasshopper brain functions and thinks logically to reason things out like we humans do?”

I suppose that if they DID…we would be sharing offices with them, and have a mouth piece that would translate our audible words into a noise that is comprehensible to them.

Hmmmm…it’s a random day…a random day indeed.

Well, its 12:30 and he’s been here since 8am and has just hopped away. I guess he’s done with me for the day.


Blogger Stu said...

You're funny and very bored.

10:42 AM  
Blogger Kristen Compston said...

i miss you.

10:24 AM  
Blogger Hillary said...

heeheehee... that's very cute. And yes, I'd agree that you are very bored. :P Though apparently very entertaining for grasshoppers.

Er, take that as a compliment... ?

12:16 AM  

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