And...I'm back!
Here is a list of my favorite / funniest China moments:
1. Elipticle / Gazelle workout machines on every playground.
2. Sleeve protectors
3. Chinglish: Chinese characters translated very poorly into English. Example: For a Spanish or Latin Bakery = “Mail Jazz Westem (yes, westem. Not western) Caking Food Workroom”
4. Hailing a cab by waving your hand down and away from you.
5. The way they pronounce Coca Cola = Kuh Koh Kuh Luh
6. Hearing the word “HALLOW” yelled at me from little cute Chinese kids.
7. Egg Rolls haven’t made it to China yet…apparently.
8. Malinda referring to a Ricshaw as a “Rick Rack”. I love you Malinda!!!
9. Pointing with your lips or chin.
10. Monks on motorcycles.
Pictures and more stuff later!
1. Elipticle / Gazelle workout machines on every playground.
2. Sleeve protectors
3. Chinglish: Chinese characters translated very poorly into English. Example: For a Spanish or Latin Bakery = “Mail Jazz Westem (yes, westem. Not western) Caking Food Workroom”
4. Hailing a cab by waving your hand down and away from you.
5. The way they pronounce Coca Cola = Kuh Koh Kuh Luh
6. Hearing the word “HALLOW” yelled at me from little cute Chinese kids.
7. Egg Rolls haven’t made it to China yet…apparently.
8. Malinda referring to a Ricshaw as a “Rick Rack”. I love you Malinda!!!
9. Pointing with your lips or chin.
10. Monks on motorcycles.
Pictures and more stuff later!